A beautiful
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Career Counseling

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Relationship Issues

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Women's Issues

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Life Coaching expert
Children expert
Our Skill
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Business Plan


Premium Plan



Why Choose Us

  • One To One Consultation
  • Family Consultation
  • Couple Consultation
Daiga Katrīna Bitēna, psihologs Rīgā, psihologs, Psihoterapeits, terapeits, labs terapeits

Scope of professional activity

Subfield of Psychological Science

Clinical and health psychologists in Latvia work with a wide range of mental health problems, helping clients to reduce their risk factors and identify resources that can help them cope. They also promote client health, growth and prevention at different stages of life.

Find out more
Daiga Katrīna Bitēna, psihologs Rīgā, psihologs, Psihoterapeits, terapeits, labs terapeits

Scope of professional activity

Subfield of Psychological Science

Clinical and health psychologists in Latvia work with a wide range of mental health problems, helping clients to reduce their risk factors and identify resources that can help them cope. They also promote client health, growth and prevention at different stages of life.

Find out more
Daiga Katrīna Bitēna, psihologs Rīgā, psihologs, Psihoterapeits, terapeits, labs terapeits

Scope of professional activity

Subfield of Psychological Science

Clinical and health psychologists in Latvia work with a wide range of mental health problems, helping clients to reduce their risk factors and identify resources that can help them cope. They also promote client health, growth and prevention at different stages of life.

Find out more

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